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Top 4 Best Written Animated Shows That You Need to Watch

Writer's picture: Jason KieferJason Kiefer

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet. Today I would like to tackle a subject that is very near and dear to my heart. I absolutely love animation. I feel like as a story teller you can do things with animation that are difficult or even impossible in live action. There really aren't any limits on what you can do in animation and that makes it a near perfect medium for story telling.

One of the issues I find when discussing animation with others, especially adults, is that they see it as something that is only reserved for children's entertainment. Where as that may have been the case in the past, thanks to the rise of Japanese Anime and programs such as CN's adult swim, we are finding that this is changing. For some, however, it is still impossible for them to see animation as anything more than a lesser medium for story telling. If this is you, I hope that I may just change your mind on that.

As a story teller and writer I have found that some of the most well written stories are animated. Most people instantly go directly to animated films since that is the most promoted, but today I want to talk about those rare gems that are the animated show. Sure, such shows as the Simpsons and Rick and Morty have made waves, the Simpsons even being the longest running show on television. That last statement says a lot and should open your eyes to the fact that you are missing out on some excellent entertainment by skipping animated shows. I do realize their will still be many of you that I just won't be able to convince, but that's your loss.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, lets get into the list!

  1. Avatar the Last Airbender

Ok, so this one is a personal favorite and has meant a lot to me and my children. My 25 year old daughter has an Avatar cookbook, a plush Oppa, plush avatar toys and I am currently staring at a figure of Uncle Iroh that is siting on my writing desk. I bought the entire series on digital and we watched it every year together. I even had a marathon with my nephews and nieces when I moved back to NY a few years ago. As you can see, I love this show. Even though I am biased, I am not the only person to share the opinion that it is quite frankly the best written show in history.

What I mean when I say it is the best written show, is not that it is the best written animated show, but that it is the best written show period. I understand that this a bold claim, but if you actually watch the show in its entirety you would most likely agree. Every character has a fulfilling and emotional story arc and, unlike a lot of modern shows (here's looking at you Lost and Game of Thrones.), it has an absolutely satisfying ending. The story was so well done, that if we never got anymore Avatar content we still would be satisfied. It really is that well written.

With excellent voice acting, animation that still stands up, and breath taking music, Avatar the Last Airbender is a must watch. If you simply can't bring yourself to watch the animated show, then at least try the live action Netflix adaption. It is nowhere near as good, but at least it's better then the God awful M. Night Shamylan movie. Please, for the love of all that is holy, just don't subject yourself to that dumpster fire. Just don't.

  1. Star Wars the Clone Wars

Ok, well if you have read anything I have written than you had to have known this one would be on the list. I tried to wait till the end, but just like I got Disney + exclusively for the last season of this show, I couldn't wait. It is quite frankly the best Star Wars content outside of the original trilogy. Most rabid Star Wars fans have watched it and loved it, but their are still fans out there that refuse to watch the show because it is animated. They even prefer the atrocious Disney live actions shows because they aren't cartoons. It really is a shame. Of course, if Disney was smart, they would just make a live action Clone Wars show instead of the constant crap they have been parading before us. Of course, they would have to abstain from changing anything, and I mean anything, and we all know that's not gonna happen.

The animation is a bit dated, especially in the original movie and first season, but eventually finds its own distinct style buy the end. The last four episodes of the final season are gorgeous and have some of the best music I've ever heard in an animated show. Even better, and I can't believe I'm saying this, than Avatar. The story is filled with heart warming, heart breaking, exciting, deep, and light hearted content that is appropriate for all ages. It can, at times, be a bit violent but no mare than the movies.

One of the weaknesses of the prequel trilogy is that they jumped to quickly from event to event. We never really got to see Anakin grow or his relationship with Obi Wan. Why, did he become disillusioned with the Jedi order and how long did Palpatine groom him and twist his views? If you go by the movies it seems like he fell overnight and that his reasoning was superficial. In the Clone Wars show, we get to see this happening. Every character from Padme to R2D2 are completely fleshed out. Even the clones, which in the movies, are just cannon fodder with very little development. In the Clone Wars we get to see them as more then just disposable extras but as living breathing characters.

The Clone Wars show just makes the entire Star Wars universe more deep and rewarding. You have missed out if you haven't watched it, especially if you are a Star Wars fan. Along the same vein, but not quite as good, is Star Wars Rebels which is also a great addition to the lore. Where as I can not quite put it on this list, if you enjoy Clone Wars I suggest you watch Rebels too.

  1. League of legends Arcane

Ok, as a disclaimer I have to say this show isn't for kids. Unlike Avatar and the Clone Wars, this show is for16 up. The show is violent and has some sexual content including LGBTQ content. It is, however, a fantastically written show. It has been a long time since a show has given me feels the way this show did. I cried...a lot. This show actually made me want to play the game, and since my kids do, I started to play with them. I stink, but man it's addicting. I'm a terrible ADC, but I loved Jinx and Caitlyn so much that I can't help but play them. For a show to be so good it makes you want to play the game you know it is exceptional.

The animation is breath taking and don't get me started on the soundtrack. I am actually listening to it as I write this post. Honestly. The voice action is top notch and, my God the story. What a story. I wish I could write this good. One of my best friends and I were discussing how hard it is to write content that makes people feel something and how if we could just manage to do it for one moment in our stories we would be happy. They manage to tackle loss, love, family, insanity, duty, honor and every other human experience with a raw brilliance that is rarely found, and these guys manage to do it in every stinking episode! I am so jealous. I almost gave up writing after watching it.

All kidding aside, seldom do I even encounter live action shows so well written. Every aspect of this show is darn near perfect. Just like Avatar the story ends in a satisfying way, even if everything isn't completely wrapped up. It is after all a story that is just one small aspect of a multidimensional ever expanding universe that is still growing. Even with that, they manage to make the ending satisfying while also making you hungry for more. You don't need to know anything about League of Legends or the lore to enjoy this show, so go watch it. Go right now, I wont be offended.

  1. Batman the Animated Series

So...of course. That's all I really need to say. BTAS was one of the first prime time animated shows that both kids and adults enjoyed. Considered the best superhero show of all time, even better than it's live action counterparts, BTAS was revolutionary. Released not long after the Tim Burton 1989 Batman movie and sharing a lot the same esthetics, musical styles, and tone it is a much more realistic and deep take on the Dark Knight then what had been given to us on television up to this point. Birthing an animated universe and style that spanned multiple decades, BTAS is unrivaled as an animated show.

To this day, Kevin Conroy is still the voice I have in my head whenever I think of Batman. Likewise, Mark Hamill will always be the one and only Joker as far as I am concerned. The animation was actually drawn on black paper to give it a more dark noir feel and it worked adding to the ambiance and atmosphere of the stories. It was one of the first shows that actually felt like reading a comic with its episodic story telling that made each 30 minute episode feel like its own contained story. Almost every major Batman storyline and character has a satisfying and mostly comic accurate arc, including little known ones such as Montoya and Bullock.

The longevity of this version of Batman says it all and shows just how good this show is. If you are a super hero fan and enjoy comic book adaptions, this is a must for you. And, if you like BTAS, then make sure you check out the other great shows in that universe such as Superman. Justice League, Justice league Unlimited and Batman Beyond. There are also a plethora of animated movies in this style with all of the same voice actors that will lead to hours of enjoyment. I know I have watched them all multiple times.

So here is my top four favorites. I hope you check them out and love them as much as I do. Of course, this list it will most certainly change as new shows emerge out of the ether. Now that you seen my list, are there any you feel I left out? What are your favorites and why? Let me know in the comments, I am always looking for a great new show to watch. Or at least, opportunities for good conversation or debates.


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