5 out of 5 Stars
Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman
Emma Corrin
And a Crap Ton of Cameos
So, I am absolutely biased when it comes to this movie. Honestly, there was very little Ryan Reynold's could have done to this movie that would've made me hate it. My expectations were Ahsoka high, and unlike Ahsoka, I wasn't disappointed. This movie was as close to perfect as I feel they could have gotten. If Marvel made every movie and show like this, then the MCU would still be the major powerhouse it used to be. Sadly, however, Disney and Marvel most likely haven't learned a thing from this movie. I mean, they didn't learn a thing from Spiderman No Way Home so why should they now.
The abysmal Disney+ shows aside, not everything Marvel Studios does is horrid. It's close, but there have been a few bright stars shinning in the blackhole the MCU has become. Both seasons of Loki, Guardians 3 and the Spiderman movies are just a few. Well, they are actually the only ones, even though I did like Dr. Strange 2 it wasn't well received. Well, no one is going to like everything. Overall, this is absolutely the best film that Marvel has put out since Tom Holland's 3rd Spidey installment.
So, now that my rant is over, let's get to the review. There will be spoilers, though I will try to limit them. Let's start with the opening scene. This movie opened up with a bang that will make any fan casual or rabid's pants enlarge. One of the friends I went with was late and missed it, and he really missed out. It was the best comic book movie opening scene in history. 4th wall break, action packed, hilarious and a perfect setup for the rest of the movie. As a writer we talk often about how the opening chapter needs to hook the reader and DP and Wolvie does just that. It doesn't just hook you, but it thrusts it's claws into you and drags you on a rollercoaster ride of funtastic excitement. (Yes I used the word funtastic.)
Just like it's predecessors, this film never lags and you barely have time to catch your breath. It is the perfect mix, of action, character development, feels and humor. Ryan really understands Deadpool and how his movies should be made. It is obvious that this film was made with love and care. I am so glad that he stood up to Disney and made the movie he wanted. All of the virtue signaling, forced agendas and usual Disney meddling is absent from this film and it shows in the quality. Nothing about it feels forced and I never once cringed because I was having "the message" crammed down my throat. Again, Disney should be learning from this, but we all know they won't. (Here's looking at you Captain America Brave New World.)
So, how was the plot. About as deep as the first two. It honestly felt like most Indie books I read. Short, sweet and to the point. As a writer I am often reminded that short and concise is better than long and drawn out. Deadpool is that to perfection. Longer than the first two, and he makes fun of that often, it still never drags. I actually made it through without having to get up to go to the restroom even though I drank a large peach Fanta. If you knew the current state of my aging bladder, you would know that is a miracle of the highest order. When the final credits rolled. I was like: "it's over already?" Every main character got a good and satisfying arc and that's what a good story does.
Our protagonist after trying to become a superhero and being rejected by every Marvel team from the Avengers to the X-Men he finds himself lost and without purpose. Vanessa has left him and he is working as a used car salesman. Peter tries to get him to put the suit back on and try again, but he doesn't have the heart for it. His friends throw him a birthday party and he is depressed. During the party there is a knock at the door and he is dragged away by the TVA. If you haven't watched Loki you might want to. it's not required but will make the movie make more sense.
He finds himself in the TVA and they offer him a place in the prime timeline. He instantly agrees seeing his chance to finally find his purpose in life. This is when the they drop the bomb on him. His universe is going to die and he is being pulled out because the TVA higherups see potential in him. The TVA bad guy is going to cull his universe early even though it will probably not die for another thousand years. This of course angers Deadpool and he decides he needs to go off and fix it. What does he need to fix it? A Wolverine, because his universe is the Fox universe of the Logan movie where Wolverine dies at the end saving the mutant kids from the Essex Corp.
Of course we know it's not that easy, but he manages to find a variant that will go with him. The variant is the worst Wolverine who failed his own universe. Just like Deadpool, he is in need of redemption. As you can guess, they both find it after trying to kill each other through most of the movie, which is everything any fan could want. There fights are right up there with Thor and Hulk, and Ironman and Cap from the original Avengers Movie. It is a venerable fangasm. Wade manages to save his universe, not just temporarily, but forever due to him becoming the hero his universe needed. Since, in this film, we are told that every universe has an anchor hero that holds it together. If that hero dies, so does the universe.
Now on to the cameos. Well, I will just say this film is Ryan's way of giving the Marvel Fox universe a satisfying sendoff. All of the cameos are from those films. I'm not going to give away the ones that weren't already shown on the trailers. Everyone knows that Dafne Keen reprices her role as an older X23, Tyler Mane as Sabertooth, Blake Lively as lady Deadpool and most of the other characters from the first two films make appearances. One character I would have liked to see variants of is Dopinder, but he doesn't get any. Could you imagine a DP variant of Dopinder. That would have rocked. There is a character for everyone and true fan's hearts will explode from the bombardment of character cameos. Just try to catch em all. If you missed any, I'm sure there are a gazillion YouTube channels that will be happy to point them out to you.
The acting was superb and Cassandra Nova played by Emma Corrin will go down as one of the better MCU villains. Known for having villain problems, Deadpool and Wolverine manage to give us a good villain due primarily to the performance of Corrin. Jackman reprises his roll perfectly and there are a lot of rumors that he will stay in the MCU as this version of logan. Ryan, of course, is still perfect as Wade Wilson and we all hope to see more of him in the MCU. There is a beautiful send of to the FOX universe during the end credits and of course a final scene after they are done rolling. They don't, however, give you a clear sign that Deadpool will return. Unlike other films, they don't leave you with the line "Deadpool will return" like in other MCU installments. Of course, with the success of this film, there is no way we wont be seeing him again. Of course, don't underestimate Disney's ability to make bad decisions.
All in all, I recommend you go see this film. In fact, I say go see it as many times as you can. Not only because it the most entertaining superhero film in a long time, but because we need to show Marvel and Disney that we will spend money on their movies if they're good. Deadpool and wolverine didn't disappoint and I hope it is a sign of more good things to come. I'm not holding my breath though.